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ORDER A SUBSCRIPTIONHow do monthly transits influence you?

Through this service you can find out how the monthly planetary transits influence you and thus you will be able to understand the reasons why during a month you feel states like the ones below at different intensities:

  • fatigue
  • low energy
  • nervousness
  • agitation
  • low concentration
  • uncertainty
  • excessive energy
  • anxiety
  • confusion
  • creativity
  • good yield
  • increased tone
  • empathy
  • exteriorization / interiorization and the list goes on.

What I mean is that in this way you will be able to become aware of what is happening in the Universe every month and so, depending on the specific coordinates of your personal natal chart we will be able to find solutions to the tense situations indicated by planetary transits.

The planets never rest, they constantly watch over us and form aspects that create contexts for us, both favorable and tense, just to show us the direction to follow so that we can achieve our goal in current existence.


Through these transits you can know what is good to correct, step by step, from certain attitudes, mentalities or approaches, to visions, principles or processes.

KARMIC ANALYSISFind out what occupation you had in the past

I am convinced that in the lives of a very large percentage of us there have been questions like these:

  • Why am I failing to reveal my true potential at work? I feel that I do not give the desired performance, although I do my best to perform all the tasks as well as possible …
  • Although I change jobs quite often, I still don’t understand why I can’t identify with my current profession?
  • What am I really good at?
  • What is my native calling?

And questions like this can go on…

So, I want you to know that through this analysis we will be able to discover together which path you followed along other karmic existences and thus we will be able to observe if you are now in the professional point that really suits you, and if not, what can we do? do it to get a clear direction in this regard.

We all deserve to find our true vocation. It is not fair that we accept all our lives to be robots that perform the same thing every day without a drop of passion and feeling.


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Order a personalized service now

Any of the personalized services is meant to bring a glimmer of light into your life.

If you do not know which of the services provided by me to opt for, fill in the form on the first page of the homepage and leave me a message with the reason why you need a consultation and so we will decide together which of these services is the more suitable for you.





TERAPIEPRINASTROLOGIE.RO este un website care oferă servicii de consiliere astrologică online. SC ANA DEVELOPMENT S.R.L., CUI: 42741581; J40/7649/2020, Copyright © 2020 TERAPIEPRINASTROLOGIE.RO, toate drepturile rezervate.

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